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Have you tried the Whole Kernal bread flour from Janie's Mill for your sourdough or yeast breads? This stuff is truly unlike any other flour. It smells amazing right out of the bag, which is a result of the freshness, the fact that it's grown organically one hour from Chicago, and it is stone ground which retains much more nutrition than other processing. Try it, your life may be changed!
This flour is Janie's Mill's highest protein level at almost 15%! Its high gluten creates a strong, elastic dough that holds up well to long fermentation, and results in deeply flavored and densely textured loaves.
Milled from: GLENN, a Hard Red Spring Wheat
Protein: 14.6%
Extraction Rate: 100%
Flavor profile: Robust nutty, earthy, and herbaceous flavors
Great to use in: Rustic artisan breads using either yeast or sourdough, including pain de mie and pain au levain. Finished loaves have nutty wheat flavors; a dense, moist, satisfyingly chewy crumb; and a crisp crust with toasty caramel notes.
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Regenerative Agriculture