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Two-Ingredient Lip Balm

Two ingredients: local beeswax and Fat Gold olive oil.

This lip balm is IT, folks. You will never search for another. This magic elixir is produced by our friend Jana, who is the founder/beekeeper at Bike A Bee, a Chicago beekeeping project. She maintains her ~40 beehives via bike! 

She makes this balm with the pure wax that comes from honey cappings, which is known for being food-grade and free from environmental toxins. She mixes it only with Fat Gold olive oil (Jana worked for Fat Gold founders Kathryn and Robin on their olive vinyard years ago, and she is who introduced us to this amazing oil). 

It contains a slightly higher ratio of wax than conventional balms, creating the perfect hydrating barrier against those wicked Chicago winters. Feel free to rub on any other dry areas of your beautiful body, too!

The clean beauty enthusiast in your life will swoon over this chemical-free, effective lip balm.

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